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Una madre di 6 figli obesa e disoccupata vuole un bypass gastrico finanziato dai contribuenti
A 43 year old mother of 6 is demanding a NHS gastric bypass operation, which would cost the taxpayer around £14,000. Sara Agintas, who currently weighs 33 stone and is a 36-38 dress size, complains she is too big to work and too big to fit onto an aeroplane seat and thus cannot go on holiday anywhere. She moans that she would have to pay for an additional seat. The 43 year old has admitted that she drinks 12 small cans of lager daily and it is estimated her calorie intake is a massive 5,690 each day. This is 3,690 more than the recommended daily intake for women.
Mrs Agintas and her husband receive £17,000 annually in benefits to support them and the 6 children, the youngest being 9 years old and the eldest is 25. She first fell pregnant at age 17 and at this point started to develop cravings for unhealthy junk food. After ballooning to 15 stone after just a few months into her pregnancy, Mrs Agintas saw her weight go up and up through the proceeding pregnancies. After the birth of her first child, she claims she was then turned down for 15 job applications. Recalling those years, she says: “I’ve always been big-boned, although I did eat loads of cakes, crisps, and biscuits. It didn’t put men off and I got pregnant the first time I had sex. I was happy, because I’d always wanted to be a mum”.
After the rejections from employers, Mrs Agintas settled into a life of benefits after this. “I gave up looking for work after that. I was better off on benefits. I couldn’t afford fresh food, so I ate cheap junk food. I had up to eight tins of sausages a day”. By 1990, a 21 year old Agintas had a new boyfriend and tipped the scales at 20 stone, squeezing into a size 24 dress. Shortly after this she had her second and third children, now weighing 30 stone.
3 years later she was dumped and turned to food for comfort. In 1996 Sara found love again and in 1998 she gave birth to her fourth child, Sam. At this point she had shot up to an incredible 38 stone. She comments on this time: “After having Sam, doctors told me to diet, but it was hard. I joined a gym, but could only do five minutes on the running machines, then I’d have fish and chips afterwards”. Following this, Sara did successfully manage to lose some weight, at one point weighing in at 32 stone. However, the good work was undone during her next pregnancy, putting 2 stone back on.
Agintas suffers from diabetes, arthritis, and asma e dice: “Non riesco mai a scendere sotto i 30 stone. Solo un bypass mi aiuterà”. Ha inoltre aggiunto: “Non posso permettermi un personal trainer o un intervento chirurgico per perdere peso. Ho bisogno dell'aiuto del contribuente. So che è colpa mia se sono grassa, ma il mio desiderio di gravidanza mi impediva di mangiare". Alcuni potrebbero però avere poca empatia con Agintas, sostenendo che non ha fatto alcuno sforzo perperdere peso e si è procurata il problema del peso.
Se non puoi permetterti il costo elevato di un bypass gastrico del servizio sanitario nazionale, sei in sovrappeso o obeso e desideri perdere peso,Medical Specialists Pharmacy può aiutarti.Xenical è attualmente l'unico farmaco dimagrante clinicamente testato e disponibile solo su prescrizione. Funziona nel sistema digestivo, impedendo che circa un terzo del grasso presente nel cibo che mangi venga digerito e assorbito dal corpo.Alli è una versione leggermente più debole di Xenical e può essere ottenuto dalla nostrafarmacia senza prescrizione medica, l'unico farmaco di questo tipo deve ricevere l'approvazione della Commissione Europea.